Outdoor Worship and Beach Time!

A couple weeks ago we had an outdoor worship service near Ilsan beach. I took TONS of pictures and as I was trying to upload them, something happened with the SD card and I LOST THEM ALL!!

Thankfully, I was able to retrieve most of them with some software! WHEW! Panic button. I’m so glad because there were some really good shots.  

I don’t have many pictures of the actual service, but Alfredo was able to get off work early and met up with us.  After the service he and I split with the rest of the group and hung out on the cliffs and at the beach.  It was awesome. I wish I’d been able to take my dad around here, but it was raining and cold and windy the day we planned to go.

I know, I know .. I have an EXCESSIVE amount of pictures of us hanging at the cliffs.  But I tell you, as I browsed through the pictures, I just couldn’t delete very many. I loved all of them! He’s very photogenic (as you’ll see, haha).  So forgive my trigger happy clicking and enjoy the pics.  It was a beautiful day finally!


One thought on “Outdoor Worship and Beach Time!”

  1. I finally had the chance to browse through the pictures and I am so relieved that you saved them because they turned out wonderful. It looks like it was a beautiful day with beautiful people. THANK YOU again for sharing these with us. My favorite would probably be the rocks pictures and then you having the man play the guitar 🙂 Love you!

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