About Me

My name is Justin.  I was born and raised in Nebraska, USA.  I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of South Dakota and completed my graduate studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

I am a born again follower of Christ.  I’m not a relativist. I don’t believe that Christianity is only true for me, but I hold that it is how the world actually is.  I believe that Jesus’ view of the world is correct.

By no means am I perfect (or even that good, really) in my Christian walk.  I struggle with my sinful nature every day.  However, I am not afraid to proclaim Jesus as the one true Savior of the world.  He is my light and my salvation, and only He has forgiven and cleansed me.  I am nothing of myself.  Having been crucified, buried, and resurrected, Christ has taken the punishment we deserve for all those who repent and turn to Him for forgiveness.  However, those who do not believe will have to take on their own punishment after they pass on from this life.  This is the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  (John 3:16-18)

I have a wonderful family. Life throws you so many curve balls and there are just some really sucky times. While no family is perfect, my parents did the best they could with what they had and raised me and my sister the best they knew how. It wasn’t easy by any means, but I do have to say looking back at all the messiness of life, I had it pretty darn good growing up. Both my dad and my mom have always been a part of our lives and expressed their love towards us in so many ways. They’ve always been there and taken really good care of us, trying to teach us right from wrong. I am utterly grateful for all they have done and I love them very much.

My immediate family is fairly small – my dad, mom, younger sister, and brother-in-law. However, I have many relatives on my dad’s side. We’re fairly close to all of the extended family and it’s always nice having huge get-togethers during the holidays.

I also have a stepbrother and stepsister that, even though we haven’t spoken in quite a while, I still consider them family. Hope you guys are doing well!

I want to give a special thanks to my mom, my sister, and bro-in-law! They really helped me clean my apartment and get things ready to come to Korea. I would not be here without them! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also, they have been growing in their walk with Jesus Christ so much and I am SO proud of them. The sacrifices they make for their family and friends are amazing – especially recently. They have sacrificed their time to help out when friends and family are in real need. They come to comfort, teach, and encourage those who have had the messiness of life rain down sorrow upon them. I can see the Spirit of God working through them.

I also want to give a great thanks to my dad! He gave me a place to live after I graduated from seminary and has provided more than enough of my needs in order to get me where I am today. I would not be here without him, either. He always sacrifices so much time and energy helping out all of his family.

Last but not least, I have a couple of really good friends back home that have sacrificed much of their time and energy for me and have always been there for me. They continually share their lives with mine – friends who stick with you through both the pretty times and the ugly times in life. These friends are close as family. These are people I can be my completely goofy self around, yet with whom I can also have very deep, serious, analytical, philosophical, theological conversations. You know who you are. Thank you so much!

Love and thanks to all of my family and friends! Even if I didn’t mention you here, I’m glad you are in my life.

Well, those are the basics for now. Please feel free to peruse through my blog and enjoy all the pictures and posts.  If you like something in particular (or don’t), leave me a comment and let me know what you think.  Thanks for visiting!


“16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

18 He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”  (John 3:16-18)


5 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. I finally navigated to the “about me” page and love the thoughts you have shared. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us. You are a wonderful writer and a wonderful son. Love you

    1. Praise God ! To your life.!can you extend the ministry in the Phillipines Godbless you more!

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