Gyeongbokgung Palace

My dad’s very last day in Korea. I took him to the Gyeongbokgung Palace. I have been wanting to go there for ages.  Up until this point I had only up to the palace gates, but this time I finally got to go inside!

I tried getting as many pictures as I could, but we didn’t get there as early as I wanted and we were running a little short on time. Plus, the area inside the palace walls was HUGE!  We were surprised at how it kept going on and on.  I was trying to take pictures of everything, but couldn’t get enough!  On top of that, Charlie, who had so kindly and painfully lugged my suitcase from his apartment, had been waiting for over an hour for us to finish wandering around. So, I felt bad for making him wait, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunities for pictures.  SORRY CHARLIE!! And thank you!!

Well, this concludes the Korean adventure for my Dad. Time to take him to the airport and say goodbye!  Safe Travels! Thank you so much for coming to visit me here. It was a blast! I love you!

One thought on “Gyeongbokgung Palace”

  1. I finally had the chance to view these beautiful picture today. Thank you again for sharing them. You guys got some amazing shots. I also wanted to say that I am praying for you on your last week of full school with the children. Take care. I Love you

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