Category Archives: Short Posts

More updates on the way ..

Ahhhh! Things here have been NON-STOP! (but on the ground and without the hijacking). It’s been good, but wow, I can’t seem to keep up with everything.

Anyway, the point of this short post is to say that I’m doing my best to continue to update this blog. I’ll be adding more photos and posts very soon!

Also, for all of you who want to know about the story of why I came to Korea, check out my new page here – Why Korea? – Or go there any time by clicking on the ‘Why Korea?’ text in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Stay tuned!


Under Construction

I will be slowly changing things around on my blog as I get used to blogging and using WordPress.   I’ve just updated my About Me page to include more about me, family, and friends back home.  I will create a different page about why I chose to come to Korea and a little bit about my life here.

Also, my home page will now be my latest posts.  This way I can create short posts from my phone as I go about my week that can be easily read on the home page.  The link to the page about My New Korean Blog!  is now located on the menu bar.
