Fade To Black

This was early February. Some friends of mine were in a small acting club called the Industral Theatre Troupe. This particular venue is called Fade To Black where they perform 30 plays in 60 minutes. Well, that’s kind of a misnomer actually.  It’s really more like 30 extremely short skits in 60 minutes. The fun part about this is Continue reading Fade To Black


The end of the school year has come and gone.  Unlike the American school system, the Korean school year spans from March to February.  Last month marked the end of the 2013 school year here, which means big changes.  But first, we have to bid farewell to the 6th graders as they move on to middle school and clean up the school for the next term. Enjoy the pics!  Continue reading Graduation

More updates on the way ..

Ahhhh! Things here have been NON-STOP! (but on the ground and without the hijacking). It’s been good, but wow, I can’t seem to keep up with everything.

Anyway, the point of this short post is to say that I’m doing my best to continue to update this blog. I’ll be adding more photos and posts very soon!

Also, for all of you who want to know about the story of why I came to Korea, check out my new page here – Why Korea? – Or go there any time by clicking on the ‘Why Korea?’ text in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Stay tuned!
